Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about your lake or pond? No problem! Below we have listed a few of the common questions and answers that we receive. However please feel free to contact us by phone for any question or concern you may have. We look forward to working with you.

Do you give Free Estimates?

Yes! Florida Aquatic Management Inc provides free estimates to all of our customers. Just call us today and a representative will assist you.

Why is my lake/pond looking different from my neighbors?

Each is a separate eco-system with its own characteristics. Call us today for the best solutions to managing your lake or pond.

How do I get oxygen into my lake or pond?

If no naturally occurring means of moving the water is present, we use aeration systems to control this problem. We offer the highest quality aerators systems on the market!

Do I want a Fountain or an Aerator?

Aeration is the process of adding oxygen to your water. Aerating stagnant water is essential to the health of a pond. Aeration occurs naturally through the help of wind, rain, splashing and photosynthesis of aquatic plants. While fountains and aerators will both aerate, they do so at different rates. Floating aerators typically move high volumes of water, thus delivering more oxygen. Fountains generally move less water but builds more pressure creating larger displays which are aesthetically appealing. Display aerators fall in between the two. Air diffusers (bottom aeration systems, bubbler aerators) aerate by forcing air through a diffuser membrane. The bubbles rise from the bottom of the pond taking oxygen depleted water to the surface to mix with oxygen rich water. FAM is the Tampa Bay distributor for AquaMaster Aeration Systems, and mostly sells floating aerators and bubbler systems. We offer a free consultation to help you determine what is best for your needs .

Should I purchase a fountain with a longer warranty?

When considering which fountain to purchase, keep cost-vs-warranty in mind. For example, compare the cost of replacing a motor/pump on each unit you are looking at. Often times, a fountain with a 3-5 year warranty will have a much higher purchase price up front, but they are built to last. The pump/motor is the most expensive replacement part you will buy. Also consider that cheaper aerators are built to be replaced, but AquaMaster Aerators are built to be able to be repaired. They are also self-contained motors that are oil cooled instead of relying on the very water that they sit in to cool off the motor. This is especially important when you consider that what is floating in the water can easily get into the motor of cheaper aerators. Always remember the old adage... "you get what you pay for" which is especially true when it comes to an item that is going to be sitting in water.

Resource Links

Aqua Master Products
We are proud to be the Tampa Bay Area Distributor for Aqua Master Products. 
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Fresh Water Fish & Conservation Commission
The South Central Florida Field Office 
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Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) 
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University of Florida (IFAS) Guide to Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plants 
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